‘I want to explain arranged marriage to people in the West’

This post was most recently updated on April 22nd, 2024

A Pakistani designer who made a board game mocking arranged marriage says the media mistook her real intentions.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.bbc.co.uk

Given the #divorce and re #marriage rate in Western culture, it probably couldn’t hurt to at least listen for the reasons for arranged marriages.

I’ve had discussions with couples that had their marriage arranged. I was surprised at how well and strong the bonds were in these marriages.

Something that I found very significant is what marriage has lost in the past few generations and decades.   Once upon a time a marriage was more than just a union between a man and a wife.  Sure, the man and woman are certainly central to marriage, and for many,  God and the sacred along with the sacramental bond of unity as well.  There’s a little more to it though, where the very ideal of marriage has perhaps deviated from its paths and purposes.

Marriage was about the family also

What has been lost in Western culture is the stake and interest that the family puts into both the marriage and the relationship. That is why I believe arrange marriages can work. It’s not just about what  2 individuals,  and what they want, and what they dream a marriage to be.  Marriage and all the joys of it are shared by 2 and many in arranged marriage. The good fruits of marriage are shared by many.  The most important of those fruits being the children that are brought into this world, but the love of 2 becoming HappilyOne 😉

Who are we in the West to say we know better?   🙂


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